12 March: Profitable Chart Patterns

Thursday’s Video Update is a follow up from yesterday’s Video to show how the patterns in play worked out and how you could have used those ideas to profit in your own trading.

Including a reversion-to-mean trade in the Euro where price moved back towards the middle of the channel as suggested.

Gold rallied up to the resistance level discussed, with a potential sell setup in play.

S&P 500 review of wave & fib analysis. Beware of the rollover as the index futures contract rolls to the front month (June). This involves the majority of volume moving from the March to the June contract and can sometimes mean illogical or downright strange trading activity until it is completed.

[flashvideo width=550 height=413 filename=http://videoupdates09.s3.amazonaws.com/videonewsl031109/videonewsl031109.flv /]

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